Banana tapioca pumpkin pudding

My little Alex turned 6 months and he is more than ready for his first solid meals!!! I’m sooo excited, I can’t wait to see him exploring new tastes, textures, flavors and enjoy the pleasure of food.

Today I’m using Tapioca, it comes in white pearls. It’s a starch that is commonly used in desserts like puddings. It acts like a gelatin giving a very creamy texture to the recipe, that’s why I think it’s a very good ingredient for baby food. From a nutritional point of view tapioca consists mainly of carbohydrates and it also contains folic acid and iron.

banana tapioca puree3
I’m also using banana and pumpkin to give natural sweetness to the pudding. Secret ingredient: star anise. A spice that I really like and that will give a delicate extra flavor to the pudding. Few

simple ingredients for a delicate sweet dessert.

banana tapioca ingred

Let’s start baking our pumpkin. I used a small one and baked it at 350F. for 40 minutes. The pulp was than cooked and tender to be scooped out with a spoon.

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At the same time I soaked the tapioca in some water for 30 min. The tapioca absorbed all the water.

In a small sauce pan I added the tapioca, 1 cup and 1/2 of water and 1 star anise.

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I turned the heat on at medium and kept stirring up until the mix was boiling. Than reduced the heat at low and let the tapioca simmer for 5/7 minutes

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I removed the star anise from the tapioca and placed the banana and the pumpkin pulp in a bowl.

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Added the tapioca and with a immersion mixer created a nice and smooth puree.

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banana tapioca puree2
This recipe can be a new baby food to offer to your baby (I pureed everything for my little Alex) or a nice dessert for the entire family (to be served warm, it’s soo good!).

banana tapioca alex

see you next week with another recipe!!



Did you make this recipe? Share the love, tag @buonapappa on Instagram and hashtag it #buonapappa I would love to see your creations!

  • Reply
    December 20, 2013 at 7:20 am

    I love your thiis recipe
    Can we store then on freeze
    And if yes for how long …

    • Reply
      Barbara Lamperti
      December 26, 2013 at 5:02 am

      Hi Saida! sure, you can store it in the refrigerator for 2/3 days or freeze it up to 3 months. ciao! b

  • Reply
    December 20, 2013 at 7:21 am

    I love your this recipy
    Can we store it in freeze
    If yer for how longgggg

  • Reply
    Irene Pasqualini
    April 28, 2014 at 11:18 pm

    Ciao Barbara,

    sono cosi’ felice di aver trovato il tuo sito!
    Vivo negli States, in California, ma non trovo le pappine della Mellin che sarebbero cosi’ commode per la mia piccolo Agata (7 mesi).
    Ho provato i Rice cereal and Oatmeal cereal delle varie case produttrici commercializzate qui, ma… non mi piacciono! Non sanno di niente, e non piacciono nemmeno ad Agata!
    Oggi sto provando la tua ricetta, ma, non avendo la zucca, sto sostituendo con patata dolce… spero che venga buona lo stesso!
    E’ la mia prima volta con la tapioca… chissa’ come mi viene!
    Grazie di aver pubblicato queste ricette… a mano a mano, le voglio sperimentare tutte! Complimenti anche per la fotografia! Ma chi fa le video riprese? e’ tutto molto chiaro, estetico e professionale!
    Complimenti di cuore,
    Irene (Berkeley, CA)

    • Reply
      Barbara Lamperti
      May 1, 2014 at 9:14 pm

      Ciao Irene!
      che bello conoscerti! un’altra mamma italiana importata in California 🙂
      le pappe della Mellin mancano anche a me..nell’ultimo viaggio in Italia ho fatto la scorta 🙂
      a dire il vero le puoi comprare anche qui online, costano molto di piu’, ma a volte non ci sono altre soluzioni. Trovi anche i Plasmon. guarda questo sito:

      Com’e’ andata la ricetta con la patata dolce? e’ piaciuta ad Agata?

      BuonaPappa viene fatto tutto in casa, come le ricette 🙂 mio marito mi aiuta con le riprese quando puo’ (e’ un fotografo..) e io mi occupo dell’editing. il tutto quando i bambini dormono o giocano con la nonna!!

      un caro saluto,

  • Reply
    Baby food - Banana tapioca pumpkin pudding recipe - BabyVideos
    May 12, 2017 at 3:11 am

    […] Banana tapioca pumpkin pudding […]

  • Reply
    Banana Tapioca Pumpkin Pudding – baby food recipe +6M | GoDiva Recipes
    July 31, 2018 at 10:47 pm

    […] Check out the recipe and the ingredients on my blog: […]

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