Lentil cakes

Lentil cakes, a very good meal for a baby or a different appetizer for the rest of the family. Lentils are an incredible source of proteins, I would suggest to introduce them in your baby’s diet starting from 8 months, when the digestive system will be ready to breake them down easily. Being also very rich in fibers, they will help your baby having regular bowel movements 🙂

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lentil cake ingr

Lentil cakes are easy to prepare: in addition to lentils I’m using potatoes, yellow ones and sweet ones to give an extra starchy texture

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I will gently steam the vegetables and separately cook the legumes in a pan.

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Once everything is cooked I will mix all the ingredients and shape individual small lentil cakes on a baking sheet. I used cookie cutters to give my cakes a nice heart shape 🙂

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In the oven for 15/20 minutes and the lentil cakes will be ready to be enjoyed!

I also prepared a very fast yogurt sauce to dip in the cakes 🙂

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See you next Thursday with another recipe!!!


Did you make this recipe? Share the love, tag @buonapappa on Instagram and hashtag it #buonapappa I would love to see your creations!

  • Reply
    Rosy Hannam
    July 11, 2015 at 1:22 pm


    I just descover your link and I am truly happy to find it, you are absolutely amazing!

    Your recipes are very good, you use a lot of veggies and the way you present them is really very beautiful and appealing. I cannot wait to try all of them!!

    I have intolerance to corn. Why do you use corn flour for the lentil snacks, what is the advantage or the final result.

    Can I substitute the corn flour for something else?

    Thank you very much for your time.

    You are absolutely awesome and very enthusiastic. Thank you for sharing your knowledge, I will recommend your link for sure.

    God bless you.

    Dr. Rosy Hannam

  • Reply
    Rosy Hannam
    July 11, 2015 at 1:23 pm


    I just discover your link and I am truly happy to find it, you are absolutely amazing!

    Your recipes are very good, you use a lot of veggies and the way you present them is really very beautiful and appealing. I cannot wait to try all of them!!

    I have intolerance to corn. Why do you use corn flour for the lentil snacks, what is the advantage or the final result.

    Can I substitute the corn flour for something else?

    Thank you very much for your time.

    You are absolutely awesome and very enthusiastic. Thank you for sharing your knowledge, I will recommend your link for sure.

    God bless you.

    Dr. Rosy Hannam

    • Reply
      Barbara Lamperti
      July 11, 2015 at 9:19 pm

      Hi Rosy!
      thank you so much for your comment and for watching BuonaPappa. Corn is not a main ingredient in this recipe. I use it on top of the lentil cakes to give a crunchy touch. You can either skip the corn flour or substitute it with breadcrumbs. I would suggest Panko breadcrumbs as they will give a crunchier result. Let me know if you like them!!! ciao, b

  • Reply
    April 27, 2019 at 7:54 am

    Hi! Thank you for sharing such great recipes. My baby is allergic to dairy products. What can I substitute the yogurt with? Thanks so much!

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