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  • 2 small nectarine (peel included)
  • 1/2 small beet
  • 4 leaves rainbow chard (no stalk)
  • 1/2 cup cooked chickpeas
  • 1/2 cup water or any other thinning liquid of your choice
  1. Soak the chickpeas overnight in a bowl full of water.

  2. The following morning rinse them and soak them again for few more hours. 

  3. Rinse, place in a sauce pan full of water and boil for 60min up until tender. 

  4. When they are boiling a white foam will form on the surface, remove it with a spoon. Rinse and let the chickpeas cool down. If you don’t have time you can use a can of no salt organic chickpeas. Rinse them very well with water.

  5. Boil the beets for 60min. They will be ready when you will be able to easily insert a fork in the center. Drain and remove the skin with your hands. Set the beets apart.

  6. Wash the swiss chards and use the leaves only.

  7. Chop the nectarine in pieces, leave the skin. For this reason I suggest to use organic nectarines.

  8. In a food processor (or tall contained if you use and immersion blender) add the chickpeas + beets chopped in big pieces + nectarine + chard leaves. Blend up until smooth. Serve at room temperature.

  9. You can store any leftover in the refrigerator for up to 4 days or in the freezer for up to 4 months.