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Chickpea Asparagus Mackerel Baby Puree +9M
  • 1/2 cup cooked chickpeas
  • 1/2 cup Mackerel fillet in oil
  • 10 fresh asparagus (1 cup chopped)
  • 1 Tbsp plain yogurt
  1. Soak the chickpeas overnight

  2. Rinse them under running water, fill the bowl again and let them soak for another 1 or 2 hours

  3. Drain and boil in water for 60min or following the cooking time on the packaging

  4. Wash the asparagus. Chop them in small pieces. Steam them for 5 min

  5. In a food processor or a tall container using an immersion blender add all the ingredients: steamed asparagus, cooked chickpeas, Mackerel fish, yogurt.

  6. Blend up until smooth. If needed, add few tablespoons of thinning liquid (breastmilk, baby formula, residual steaming water, broth...) to reach the desired consistency