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Strawberry banana bites
Servings: 8 banana bites
  • 2 bananas
  • 3 oz. chocolate chips 80gr.
  • 1 oz. multicolor sugar pearls or any other sugar decoration you like
  • 1 whipped cream can you can always prepare your whipped cream from scratch, it's even more delicious!!!
  • 8 strawberries
  1. Place the chocolate chips in a microwave safe container for 1 minute (I used glass) and melt them.
  2. Peel the banana and cut it in 4 pieces, remove the sides.
  3. Place the multicolored sugar pearls in a small cup.
  4. Half dip each banana cylinder fist in the chocolate and than in the sugar pearls.
  5. Place the banana bites to dry on a parchment paper.
  6. To speed up the drying process you can place the banana bites in the refrigerator for 10 minutes
  7. Right before serving the strawberry banana bites display the banana/chocolate cylinders on the serving tray. Spray one tablespoon of whipped cream on the banana bites and top them with a beautiful strawberry.
  8. Trick: if you do not want the strawberry to slide away from the bananas you can use a toothpick to "fix" them to the bananas. Just remind the kids or your guests about it!!